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Meet Pam Hamilton

Mindset & Visibility Expert, 
For Women Over 50

Hi, I'm Pam, and the most important thing I can say about myself is that:

I used to be invisible . . . now, I’m not.

And, I tell you that to say, I know first hand about being invisible, hiding in the shadows and playing small. And I can say for sure that visibility isn't just about marketing . . . It's about finding the courage to be seen.

Finding that courage and becoming visible changed my life forever. It's allowed me to create the business and lifestyle I've always dreamed of.  

I've written about my journey to visibility and the principles that help me get there in my book "The Ten Principles of Visibility" and as co-author of the book "Get Past Your Shit"

Choosing Invisibility . . . And Why I Had To Change

I unconsciously chose invisibility at the ripe old age of nine years old when I realized that I liked girls .  .  . and society said I wasn't supposed too.  But, the consequences of that invisibility were much more than my nine year old self could have understood.

I hid because my pastor had said people like me were "an abomination", and I believed him. So I choose to hide the secret of my true identity from the world. But, in doing so, I accepted the lie of my unworthiness. I trained my mindset to view me negatively and judge me harshly in everything.

And, I lived my life, first in fear of being found out and then just in fear, long after the habit had ceased to serve me.

Thankfully, an epiphany helped me have a major mindset shift and to relearn to love myself. It allowed me to get back to my authentic self. Today, I can tell my nine year old self you are not an abomination, you’re loved. It’s time to step into the light. You don’t have to be a secret anymore.

And, I’m passionate about helping other women find their way to visibility too!

"Pam helped me to be willing to put my face and my name on camera.  Now I am more confident when being online with Zoom sessions."

- Fran Watson,
Career Success Coach

I See You . . .

We all have different reasons for why we feel invisible. . . You may have chosen invisibility because you felt "other than" or "not enough."  

You may feel like invisibility has been forced on you because of your race, gender, age, size, religion or language.  

Or maybe you have struggled with all of that . . . 

No matter why you're feeling invisible, I want you to know I See you!

As a fat, gay, Black woman raised in the church . . . I can honestly say I've been where you are. And I can promise you there is hope, power and joy ahead, standing in the light.

Because finding the courage to be seen is not about changing who you are . . . it’s about being brave enough to accept yourself as is, and knowing that you are perfectly imperfect just as you are in this moment!

"Pam is an amazing coach. She shares her own journey and expertise to help others on their journey. Each week in Pam's Masterclasses she challenges us to take a least one step forward, encouraging us to set up achievable unique goals."

- Lorraine Durnford-Hill
RECE|RC| Parent Coach

How I Help You . . . 

As an author speaker and coach on the issues of mindset and visibility, I often call myself a mindset and visibility expert just to simplify things . . . I mean it's a real mouth full to say all of those things. . . but maybe it’s more accurate to say I’m an encourager of you . . . of my client.

I help you know that you are enough, right now, in this moment.

I show you that the message that is burning inside you needs to be shared. And I enable you to find the courage to share it . . . to believe that this could be your moment.

Because, I understand, that sometimes we are standing in the way of the plan that God, or the universe, or whatever you call your higher power has for you. But, the truth is you couldn’t have the vision if you didn’t have the ability to achieve it. The dream is the invitation to do it.

As a mindset and visibility coach I’m your encourager, and more  . . . I’m here to enable you to step into the fullness of your dream.

           Very quickly, Pam was able to zero in on the two main stumbling blocks that were holding me back! There were so many bite-sized nuggets of support, that my issue no longer seemed so scary! 

           Pam's positive and gentle ways during the session, gave me new hope, and renewed the thought in me that I was "worth it" and that no matter at what point in life one is at, there is always something we can do to move forward!

Thank you Pam! I am so glad that I met you.

- Barbara Portmann

Want To Discover More About Starting Your Own Journey To Visibility? 

I offer lots of content on my blog, as well as books, courses and workshops to help you on your journey to visibility.

And, I would love to share a talk I did about my journey to visibility with you. It was the keynote talk from one of my virtual summits and I think you'll get a lot out of it for your own journey to visibility. Just click here to get immediate access.  No opt-in required!

What I Do For Fun . . .

When I’m not working in or on my business, I enjoy reading, mostly sci-fi and fantasy books including anything by Robin Hobb, binge watching “Agents of Shield”, checking out good movies, music, good tasting gluten-free food and practicing martial arts, especially Tai Chi and Wing Chun. 

I also enjoy spending lots of time with my beautiful wife and playing Minecraft with my adult son who’s currently working on his own entrepreneurial dream.

One More Thing

I also love to take on guest posting for your blog, being a guest on your podcasts, being interviewed and believe it or not, doing public speaking engagements and live trainings. Reach out to me anytime!

And check out my media page to download my one sheet and images. You'll also find some of my favorite quote snippets, testimonials and a few recent appearances.